
Chapter Three: Social Equation

Our Social Equation, Our Social contract, Our Social Constitutional Rights

The sun had decide to burn away the dark and dreary clouds, even the fog and frosty nights and mornings began to turn into a beautiful spring. The small birds had returned to the yard and seemed to be seeking lodging in the eves of the Office. Jack sat in the warm sun that light up his whole office. He seemed a little dwarfed by the large dark brown leather tufted desk chair, it could swivel around so it could face the large thick wood stained windows that curved around the back of his desk. He had a spectacular view from his window of the office garden.

It was Devon's idea, his delightful daughter who had inspired him to planet such a garden. Past the garden he could see most of the city across the little bay. Because the office building sat on a little knoll. Mature trees lined this side of the city streets, probably because it was the oldest part of the city. With lots of old buildings built really close together. And just about every one had a garden with Rhododendrons, roses, with beautiful yellow hanging nasturtiums and lots of heathers lined the street sidewalks.

This was not Jack’s only place of business there was however another piece of property Jack owned which was a large yard filled with diamond drilling equipment and lots of dust, it was about a hours drive out side the city. Mostly, the men would meet him out there not here in his office, except Mike his chief he called him, would always come by the city office it saved time, Plus Mikes’s wife Christina work for Jack managing the office and his business , it gave Mike a chance to see his wife more for lunch. On account he was always going out of town with the men to the drilling sites around the world.

Jack started to contemplate how much he appreciated his garden, his little oasis in the city, as he was waiting for Devon’s arrival, he was not sure exactly when she would get there, he was staring out the window, the back of the chair turned toward to office door, if anyone looked in doorway they certainly could not see him sitting there day dreaming about the state of world affairs. He never use to think about these things before Devon would press so much about her studies, he was simply to busy to reflect on the impending disaster the world was about to face. The change of heart came because of what Devon began to tell him years ago about her research, she was doing on account of her job. Which, took her around the world many times. Despite the faintness of heart he felt when she came to visit him he looked forward to her visits each visit however seem to be a little more intense then the last, he often wounded where it all was heading.

He began to record her visits a long time ago when he realized that she really had some thing of value to say and that others should hear it.

Jack thought that Devon struggled to put herself out socially, she was always complained in the beginning of this quest of hers that no one would listen to her more then ten minutes at a time. Even her husband was exasperated with the things she would say. Because they were hard things to digest, Jack would find himself defending her actions even to himself.

Devon pays little attention to socially inept people herself a bit of an oxymoronic, Jack thought, It was probably do to so many things, one she had little time to waste on people that were just too stupid to figure it out for themselves or she was just not to sure who to trust. After all some of the things she was saying could ruin men and shake solidest of foundations. She certainly was not a joiner of any band wagon touting out useless babble to idiotic cohorts ever so willing to do anther's bidding . Perhaps this is why she became socially reserved. Jack thought she was definitely a pleasant distraction to the ordinary conjecturing and business like conversations most people wanted to talk about.

Jack sighed to himself, he really could’t wait for her visit this day he was glad she was coming . Humorous at times, too because of her intensity, her attitude exasperated the energy of the other wise unawares cheerful dope seekers.

Jack snickered to him self and thought these people are relatively completely ignorant of what she was telling them. Nor are they aware of the significance of the urgency to which she spoke. She sure was not going to expect anything else from his word, but the preserving of the truth, and that not all of it is lost to those who are on the side of the evil for most did not even know that this is where they are both physical, mentally and spiritually. Having no concept of the truth.

However, Devon knew that she could not project an attitude that would let on that she knew exactly what was going on all the time, piety was not becoming. The only problem was that she had no way of knowing who to vent too, and some times she felt as if she was casting her perils before swine by signing on with the times. Other times she felt completely over whelmed by the sheer lack of understanding most people had of Universal World Government. Their purpose to full fill a void of authority, but on who’s authority was the assumption of authority built, was the big question. She would try to tell the people all the time but continually she was being isolated little by little she lost her temper with the people around her. It was as if, she was sitting in the field eating grass when they found her. Pooffff! Hum! She was shaking her head back and forth at the irony of it all.

The other day Devon was doing some basic brain research to supply her boss with a report on the Social Welfare of the country, he was seeking mostly numbers for a lobby group that was wanting to implement stricture regulations on the need for forced psychological testing on those who committed only consensual crimes. She discovered a new fraud model which showed evidence of mass hypocrisy of the psychiatric society. In light of this information, she thought it just goes to show you that we make up our own minds completely by our free wills, she thought to herself. Perhaps, however, you are week and allow external environment to affect your thinking. Mind you could be the subject of experimental mind control with out your knowledge. – This is how this knowledge becomes unknown and extremely dangerous technology. It will be interesting to see how the psychiatric society that dishes out prescriptions researched and developed by the pharmaceutical companies. This is sorcery at the highest levels of business.

Devon, had been doing some research, for her job just the other day. Her boss requested a report on the state of social welfare with in Canada, he wanted mostly the Numbers, because a local lobby group was wanting to get a bill passed to implement stricter regulations of or forced psychological testing on those who committed only consensual crimes. She thought the it all meant that someone out there wanted to force psychological testing on just about anyone they wanted.

She though that it was ironic since she discovered some profound things out about the nature of our brains. The ironic thing was that consciences is exactly what is needed by policy makers to get the the public to believe that they are consenting to the crimes of the global elite. Once consciences is reached we have no one but our self's to blame about global affairs.

The evidence of fraud with in the industry showed hypocrisy not only in the business operations but in the whole medical and pharmaceutical industry. She could see how each group was dissevered by the other which in turn lead to the massive misunderstandings that the public had of the whole industry especially the pharmaceutical industry.

It had to do with people’s basic conceptual ideas about how our brains function at the very quantum level. It is not that hard to understand some basic principles but it seems to twist many people up quite a bit, mostly because they were unable to wrap their heads around basic psychology as put forth by the industries and schools of thought as well as the use fullness in the comprehension of theology more to the point really what the relationship of who God is in light of the quantum and psychology comprehension.

These basics are useful in shaping your world perspective and keeping you form getting mixed up. It is also a bit terrifying for it reviels something to you about the nature of who God is to us. And this is exactly the type of information that the money men behind such lobby groups don’t want you to really grasp. Because they know that the minute you do understand you will be able to see right through their facade.

A very big part of these sciences and religious comprehension is the technology that was developed and used on us unwittingly. It boils down to nothing more then mind control and massive brain washing. And very few of the public population can see through this extremely dangerous technology. This sorcery is nothing more then cruel perpetrated on the morels of society from the highest levels of world government.

It is precisely this kind of audacity that Devon was continually coming across, with the research she had to do for her company. Her company had no idea that she felt this way or even understood these things after all she never had global governance training. But that did not seem to deter Devon from pursuing the deeps of their atrocities and after all it was simple to research these things considering her role with in the company.

Devon knew that she had to rationalize this technology in terms of finding a sound mathematical model especially for the ground work for the report she had to write. Devon, believed that the’re was no right mathematical model objective, either recognized or found, because she believed that there was no mathematical model that could measure the frame work of our quantum universe, thereby, it was impossible to measure the variables with in the human Psyche and totally impossible to measure God's presences with in tones own mind. There are reports that tried to quantify ridiculous data to suit some Soto intellectual elite group need to make restrictive policies right, tell people how they can and can’t live there lives is nothing more then mind control. Massive psychological manipulation to get us all to give up our free will by conscientious. This is evil this is a diabolical treasonous act brought to you by none other then the only people that are able to bring you authority in an authority vacuum and make you believe that it is your duty to give up your own free will by consenting to such for reaching policies. This is observed. These guys put out a whole lot of effort when in the end they will met a fate worse then death.
The most important thing that we need to realize is the significance of this technology and how it is being used against us.

In the simplest of terms it goes something like this
The elite knew of all this information about Quantum physics, social psychology, and God the Father Doctrine, for with out God the father even their Satanic doctrine holes no water. Satan does not exist in a vacuum.

Add to the fact they could see a military industrial usefulness
Add to the facets they could see an educational usefulness
Add to the facets they could see a media / social engineering usefulness.
Equals mass control over population depopulation the only solution. Do the people know the answer to the equation absolutely not.

This is dangerous technology . However everyone should know this not just a brilliant few. If you think they are nut using it think again look around you the evidence is every.

And if you believe this is not you are a commercialize talking heads and have no sense about you and the most sad thing is that you are lost in a broken world with no hope You’ll see I promise you that. And my deepest condolences for those of you that want to ecnorh their dangerous tech, especially when it is being used on you.

She though that this lobby group was only part of a larger push across the country to get people to agree more firmly in punishing consensual crimes of individuals commit. How moronic could they actually get. She could see right through their pretences she all ways could.

The fraud model that Devon found was a deseptive business practist as well as medical deception. What she was going to do with the information was still any bodies guess. The deseptive representation of the the medical advancements in pschology actually reaches around the world, where the World Health Organization (WHO) has allow the Armerican drug model to be exported to all nations. The information that led Devon to the rationalization of this technology. Devon believes that the right mathematical object, can not be recognized or found, were others believe that there is no mathimatical model that can measure the frame work of our quantum universe. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Hidden with in the worlds understanding of quantum physical universe are the answers that we are chemical reactors waiting for the right messages and signals to react to our environment. What does this have to do with the medical deception about our pschological social system everything. The most important thing that we need to understand is the significant function of our brain and the technology as well as our social way surrounding this technology and how it is being used today.

With this in mind take a look at the following web site which gives us some important information about science is saying about our selfs and the relationship with the quantum world. Take a look at some of the articals if you get a chance.

Forcasting the Next 50 years by world renown physis.


The Human Brain – With one hundred billion nerve cells, complex as it is overwhelming. The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It produces our every thought, action, memory, feeling and experience of the world. The link here is the about the Human Brain its functions and a whole host of interesting things about our brains.


Devon began to realize, after having researched these things about the brain and knowing there was something quite deceptive about social psychology, she puzzled over the notions. Her mind was spinning as she thought to herself, the activities of the brain are many, but it is what we do know that becomes a dangerous weapon, which is used against us and not for us. This dangerous information and what the people who know this can do with this information is what is most troublesome, she though that everyone of us should try to comprehend its ramification in terms of defending ones self against mass brain pickling and social control. Devon began to ponder the agenda of the club of Rome’s blatant objectives of theirs, which is to control of the world’s population. Hmm!

The simplest and most urgent defence must be that even though we have been given free will and choices that this free-will will choose to be taken from us with out our even knowing it. Hmm! She sighed. It is mostly about how we feel how we believe about how we perceive about the world around us as well as how we are going to react to this in information. Not understanding these things about your brain and how far science has taken the knowledge down the “rabbit hole” is most dangerous to your own sense of well-being and knowledge of the world around us.

Arriving at her father’s office tell him what she had discovered.
Swoooooshers………….the car swings by her on the street. Singers she says to herself out load to the door…as she pulls open the heavy wooden stain glass door, shaking her head she pulled open the door as she arrived at Jack’s to tell him what she had discovered. She started ranting the second she saw him…Primarily, learning the aspect about how we feel…

Just a minute girl Jack interrupted, I need to turn the tape on.

She carried on repeating what she had already said…learning to open our eyes should teach us something about the many social events that are taking place all around us. Understanding just how at the quantum level of our brains are functioning that it is determining and dissevering our daily activities and reactions to our environment around us. The things that the brain determines important and choose which things and events to respond to will shape your world events as well as our perceptions about your world.

You think. Blipped Jack

She smirked and continued this intern affects your family interactions with others in your life. If you believe that all is well and perceive that this is so then it probably will seem that way for you for as long as you carry the same emotions and perception about your world. The minute someone interferes in some way with this little universe of yours is when you thinking begins to change and perhaps your worldviews and maybe even your religious beliefs.

You see she said to Jack, The functions of the brain and how it behaves is of extreme importance to some powerful people who would seek to manipulate you and others around you.

What do you suppose is the most important thing, Jack asked Devon?

Well is it not societies most precious belonging? What is the individual’s most precious belonging? I suppose that, the understanding, that we have a free will. Would be our most precious belonging. Actually in reality is its only position. The only thing you own is your fee will.

It is so frustrating to follow this rhetoric of science, which is trying to tell us that this may not be so. Science forgets to conceive the relationship of God to his creation in ways that science forgets to realize that freewill is the very thing that allows people to choose what it is they will do from day to day.

Right you are Devon, Jack said, and Science figures that it has found ways to conquer the functions of the human brain that determine its responses.

Yes indeed Devon came back with, science has come to this point and even those who are close to God and know that they belong to Christ Jesus are having trouble coming away from the sway of this evil control of our free wills. Even Christians who are influenced by the Holy Spirit are have some confusing things happen to them as a result of not comprehending the extent of this weapon science has apparently just discovered and developed. This could not be further from the truth, Devon was exasperated by this the users of this technology have been using this tech for along time before the general public was even able to understand it even a little. She was pacing now and waving her hands around as if she was on the podium shouting at a whole group of people.

Christians would do well if they remember that the Holy Spirit copied by the Antichrist spirit at world levels, in the hearts and minds of people today, just as he was in the days of old. The profound difference today is that science uses by the military to contract our human minds to execute a very old plan of world domination. Moreover, people do not know it because they do not understand quantum physics and its relationship to what we heard about God of the bible.

Slow down Devon your getting all worked up over this again.
I know Devon began to reflect for a moment. You know Jack, physics does not lie, and neither does God.

Yes! You are sure right about that, dear girl

She goes on, God is the word, the word was with God, and the word is God. What is the word it is a harmonic vibration that what? Permeates what? All God is omni what is omni present, the word is omni present, and harmonics is omni present. Therefore, it is true that science does not account for this nor does it see it nor can it measure this, and neither can it measure quantum percents with in the brain that understand who God is.

Jack became very engrossed in what Devon was saying, this is why Devon liked him so much he would let her ramble, yet he would pursue the knowledge like a blood sucker, he asked Devon a hole raft of questions it was hard to keep up with him. So how does this affect our social conscience and social fabric? How does the diet of our minds affect the relationship we have to the world around us? What is conscience? How is our minds manipulated?

Yes Devon said these are questions that we all should be asking ourselves, why because the answers to these questions will help us to understand just what it is that we have misunderstood about ourselves for centuries. What is it that evil that is spoken about in the bible, how has it influence the heart of man, and what does it have to do with the discoveries of science and the way our brain functions? What is sin? Is it not the evil of God a disconnected reality? What did the elite do to change us to play the game of the elite who do influence our forms of reality? How have they used the methods of science to misinform us? Do they have knowledge many years in advance of us? Does quantum physics attempt to throw out God? What techniques are used to pull off this grand deception of the century? Can we refuses to join this ban wagon or are we domed to become the obedient slaves of this system we are now experiencing? How does this affect the fraud found with in the psychological society?

Just hold on a sec Jack. To begin with the ability to understand the determents of these evil cohorts one must first understand the determents of God and what it is that he wants for us and from us. We then can begin to understand the deep relationship between the discoveries of science, its power to control the human brain and they use this as a weapon of warfare for the hearts souls and minds of the human race. Until you can come to terms with who God is, you will never comprehend the usefulness of the military control of our brains and its relationship to the New world order, all other religious genres and medias. I am sure that you can see that too control another’s brain activities is useful in a strategic way but you will have trouble coming to terms with that of the global domination plan and its relationship to Gods plan also to determine who is behind it. You will probably have trouble imagining that you are just as acceptable too these methods as the next person. In addition, I am almost positive that you will not know how to deal with the knowledge once you get it.

Devon took a deep breath and sighed, as she stared out the window across the city; she continued to rant to Jack about her discovery you see…perceiving this information. She began pacing the floor again “when you remove the divinity of God of our salvation you become a spiritual being that in reality censors the objective of events that are taking place today that were prophesied a few thousand years ago. What is it that is so important that God said he would do, he would translate us into the spiritual beings into the kingdom of heaven. Meaning we are changed so that we could then see the kingdom of heaven. What is it then that quantum physics is saying about our world and how is it that the knowledge of this has been perverted and twisted that we think of ourselves as the deity of our own salvation.

What does the word tell us to do it tells us to put on the nature of Christ Jesus. Why because it is important how we internalize our thoughts because our thoughts become our actions. They determine how we deal with our world around us and how we interact with others. The Lord God only wanted us to respect and love one another. What is it that we are doing in reality we are killing one another not just by weapons of warfare but with our thoughts toward one another. The kingdom of God is with in you when you except and believe that Jesus is the Christ the one that God sent to atone for our sins. The reason this was done is very interesting indeed. It is even more interesting when you consider the results of quantum theory and it usage today.

There are those that would not want you to know about the real spiritual things because it will eventually lead to the revelation of what the people who control the planet are really doing. This is not democracy.

Tracking global trends in political freedom is what is done by the “Freedom House, An American Organization” they have come up with some disturbing stats for 2005 there were 122 electoral democracies and 64% of the worlds states or democracies were true democracies, and 89 democracies were rated politically free.

Oh! Please Devon mocked,
Freedom is a mockery and the spread of democracy is coming to a halt. They will always slide into authoritarian ways in power vacuums.
The danger is that people are disillusioned with politics they see all of the solutions so far as security related curbs on civil liberties corroding not only democracy but also all political wills participation in political culture and a functioning government leaves a power vacuum. This is when the nations become venerable to authoritarian Regimes and any group that assumes Power is a regime it do not matter what they call themselves. Democracy has created this power vacuum for democracy covertly removed security and freedom systematically usurping all functional governmental powers and turning them into mockeries. Done in order to assume authority in ways that are not democratic at all but rather an Empirical, totalitarian, and Oligarchic forms of governing. The nations of the world would not of excepted such power structures by vote. With in voting systems you run the risk of an outsider entering popular vote.

Governments are made to appear in efficient especially with lack of participation the political life is viewed as hypocritical and a rift with persuasive and adaptive political wills. Those willing to support any policy just so long as it is there image that is worshiped. Democracy will always end in chaos that is why it was the chosen way to bring down the greatness nations in the world. Greed eats from the inside out. Democracy gave everyone the illusion of capitalization until just one more pea made it pop. Democracy brought down Babylon the great the first time and it is bring down Mysterious Babylon today.

How can you not see the power assumption of the United Nations? They have covertly assumed power by putting in place a system that makes policies and then enforces these policies around the world by the assumption of power. The nations of the world did not vote for the power it was assumed.

How will this affect you, when necessary it will be in your face four ways that I know of it will consume you? One through rescue from natural disasters a prime method which allows certain unscrupulous elites assume massive amounts of power and control of the functioning governing bodies in order to execute rescue operations it has the power to act as the soldiers under Marshall law. It is all about Public security and safety. The second way we need to become aware of is through economic crises verses environmental satiability. Why do you suppose they need to move massive amounts of money around the world in order to restructure economic wealth from the wealthiest nations to the poorest, how do you think they are doing this by making the individual nations pay for air. That is what the KATO accord is all about, economic transfer in order to imbalance the economy or weaken it enough to bring it down.

Wait a minute Devon there is a serious problem with economic factors verses the environmental factors is there not. Every time I set up a new drilling site I have to take into account the environmental impact factors and calculate it into the cost of the jobs.

Of course, there are serious issues with both the economy and the environment but we are not going to have an economy with out the environment. Dad need to go on with this other idea I tell you more about this economic verse environmental intelligence later.

Ok, sure go on.

A one world monetary system will not work any other way, but to have the “have not's and the haves”, this is why alternative monetary systems function today. Single monetary systems do not work unless there is an imbalance or a process of pivoting back and forth. If not someone all ways end up with all the money and the other party will be completely and utterly devastatingly poor. The economy cannot survive its present course. Our debt is bigger then our credit. Oil dollars are shifting to Euros from American dollars, the biggest of them all. Here in lies the problem oil is our economy not our dollars. Oil is the reason we work.

One of the biggest concerns anyone of us should have is the reasons behind these warning signs is because logically the only why any of this makes any sense is to understand what it means in relationship to bible prophecy of course for some this is complete foolishness. You see, in order to bring in the mark of the beast the number of man there has to be a public reason a reason for the public to cooperate to be consensual, to agree, and a failing monetary structure is just the ticket to make that happen. That number of the beast and man is all about buying and selling which you will not be able to do if you do not have this mark. Think about this for a moment.

A third thing we need to be aware of is what is process are happening in disasters, could it be economic melt down. Disasters require quick action from both military, rescue personal, as well as a sentinel protection from private armies and the like to protect from looting and the like. In an economic melt down what, do you suppose the people will be doing?

Panicking, of course, Jack said.

Yes your right Dad, Devon was frustrated with this, think about it, all of their life savings just became worthless what do you think they will do?

And how do you control a panicked nation? Jack rhetorically asked.

Probably institute Marshall law to bring back order out of chaos. Devon returned.

She continued, In addition, the forth thing you will need to be concerned with is nuclear war brought to you by Mysterious Babylon.

Then what? Sighed Jack.

The battle of firestorms lots and lots of firestorms!

The globalizers, an elite force is a persuasive force bent on total success of world domination. Wowing us with evidence of a bright new world is only a dilution of peace, which is not attainable by these methods. There are methods used by these globalizers that appear to be quite useful and reasonable for the public but in realty are the very means by which they use to covertly gain a maintain control.

What is happening to us, Dad? Devon asked.

There are trying to make us Gods and you now dear girl that this is a lie of Satan’s and is exactly what this technology has done. Technology has given man means and methods to believe that they are gods and have the power to over come all. Only the twisted measures that are employed are our undoing and we do not even see it, never mind understand it. Jack was deeply concerned with this concept of Devon’s and where it might be leading her.

You know, your so right Devon, Jack sighed heavily, we need to come a way from these things – we need to understand the impact these types of influences are having on us as much as humanly possible.

I guess what I am say Dad is that removing the deity of God only makes the dilution stronger and the contempt for God as the only creator and Jesus Christ our way to salvation and our strength of being through the Holy Spirit sounds far fetch compared to the knowledge of quantum physics of our minds, doesn’t it.

Yes but we forget God is physics and just as physics does not lie, neither does God. Jack stated in agreement with his daughter.

Do not be fool by the Antichrists and the false prophet and the beast that seeks to control the whole earth by evil means. Science and psychology is subject to God as God is the word – the harmonic vibration wave that permeates all and is all. Devon smiled at her dad across the big old fashion desk.

You know the link to the quantum web I gave you earlier, will show you about the brain as a quantum manipulator of the emotions and aspects about ourselves that we had little or no knowledge of only a few years ago. What we do have is a history of events that have occurred to over the last several thousand years, which have shaped who we are and how we react to our environment. The events of the day have also had a profound affect on our stated out comes of self. The cause and affect of science and science reality that tells us it is impossible to believe in God and the reality of science. This is so undiscovered by most people that it makes idiots of both scientist who attempt to explain away God, as well as Christians who attempt to explain away science based on belief. Belief of what I am not quite sure, since evidence of God and sciences is all around us all we need to do is to be able to intemperate it. Devon rattled off.

Jack interrupted with, Can this has can be seen at the quantum level as well as through the word of God, that we can believe in both? And so what are you saying then Devon, is that people are not looking at the real problem, the real politics and economics as well as the social aspects and religious meaning of the evidence all around them?

Mostly she said, plucking herself, down again, in the chair in front of the desk, she continued to explain, You know dad, “One of the most terrifying documents that I have ever read is the “Protocols of Zion”, these have come form a book that was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerenshy regime, and under his successors, the possession of a copy by anyone in the Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owners of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes.

Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New order world, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now. The world Protocol signifies a précis gummed on to the front of a document, a draft of a document minutes of proceedings. In this instance, Protocol means minutes of the proceedings of the meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols give the substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of The Rulers of Zion. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date.

So ok, the importance of understanding the historical significance of these documents is extremely important when one is trying to unravel the onion of global politics. Part of that equation is found in the “Protocols of Zion”, part of the onion equation is in the “Public Policy Partnership Network”, structured by the UN, and part of the onion equation is the “World Provisional Parliament”, waiting for implementation world wide, as well as the nations partnership with the UN structure and operations, its processes necessary to carry out the over all implementation of global politics. This network of power structured a very long time ago and is now showing its power in ways that allow them to be the executioners of global governance, by freely taking over our complete sovereignty, and all of our liberties. This is why politics is so difficult to understand at a grass roots level. We do not know where the grass is being cultivated.

So what are you saying Devon how is this so dangerous to us all?

Well Dad its like this Devon retorted, to Jack. If it is known that by science and psychologist alike that the human mind can and is easily manipulated by the simplest means as an over lay of constant and repetitive indoctrination and each member of society will obey. How dangerous do you think this tool of manipulation of the human mind is? Do you think this has not happen to you, suggest you think again.

To be included into the most secret mysteries of the political unit, into schemes of government, but providing always that none may come to the knowledge of the secrets. The object of this model of action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have not been inducted into the secretes places of its craft…

To these persons only will be taught the practical application of the afore named plans by comparison of the experiences of many centuries, all the observations on the political economical movers and social science in a word and the spirit of laws which have been unshakably established by nature herself for the regulation of the relations of humanity. Spiritualism and Social Science are now almost coterminous (Sharing a common notions) with membership of the social order.
A statement from the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” puts it like this dad, “It is enough for them to know that we are too merciless for all disobedience to cease. We shall end Liberty.” (Protocol 1 #24).

You know Dad that trip took with my husband to Harrison Hot Springs last fall.

Yes! What about it Jack asked?

Well one of the most interesting things happened to me. I met an old guy in the hot tub. He told me he was a Lawyer and a Freemason who worked out of Ladner. We began to talk about the state of political affairs quite naturally it was if we could of talked for hours I am sure his wife was upset with him for he talked to me way passed his curfew.

Did he know you were a Christian, asked Jack.

Oh yes he did I told him I was a born again Christian right off the bat. I only suspected that he must have been a Masson at first because of the way he was talking, plus I think most lawyers are Masons of some degree or another. I had to ask after a while. Devon told Jack.

Oh that is strange usually they do not say much around born against do they, asked Jack?

Yea I told him, Devon admitted bravely. Your right Jack they do not, however when he found out that I was, he rather asked questions that many mainstream Masson or Christian might have concerns with. Such as what I thought about the De Vinci code book by Dan Brown and movie as if I was suppose to be all up in arms about its release as other Christians were. I never let on how much I really knew about any of what he was saying to me. Anyway, the thing is that I asked him what is the most important thing that has been kept from us since the inception of their darkest plans. What was kept from the public in general, the one thing that would of help the public understand its experience here on earth. Can you guess what he said?

Nope! Jack blipped

It is as I suspected, Dad that the power of God really does reside in us, they do not want us to know that nor do they want us to understand that, and, that is the only way that we can over come these coming crises, the world is about to face. By knowing, the power of God resides in us. Most of their ranks think that it is a good thing to have as he stated a King James Version of the Bible on their altar at the front of their halls. I do not think that most of them have even read the bible.

How was it so confusing to the public’s comprehension, ask Jack?

Oh Devon started, He said that it was clouded in lies, in many ways through the entire world, through the makings of false religions and half-truths and misperceptions that were brought forth with in the Movies and the media, as well as our standardized educational systems. He confirmed what I had already suspected from the very beginning of my Christian walk. The thing is there are so many ridiculous notions and concepts of false doctrine out there people really have trouble interpreting it all. They tell us that the relationships of humanity can be scientifically explained in philological and philosophical terms that are deciphered by a quantum explanation that the sociology of man can be explained they do not however tell you that they can manipulate man by the same science.

In another of the Protocols #23 in part states
“Instilling obedience that the people become accustomed to obedience.” This Written before the knowledge of social psychology was developed and used. It is as if they had prier Knowledge of this kind of mind manipulation tactics.

The goal of the Antichrist is to have blind obedience from the people for all those who take the mark will be obedient because they will have no choice.

What do you think this is all about Devon, asked Jack?

Devon returned with, one of the ways it could be used perhaps it could be because of the grievous source from the mark of the beast, that will in force or instil obedience in man I am sure there are other ways that are in use even today.

So what is that? Jack amusedly asked.

I am not sure just what the mark of the beast and the number of man will be, but many Christian believe that it will be the RFID chip which has a mercury core and when a gun of some sort of wave-length like micro wave is pointed at the chip, it explodes releasing this mercury vapour with in your body. Mercury is highly poisonous to us. If broken it releases mercury vapour, which will make you clench the area where the chip is inserted, and sores would form in the area causing great pain and stinging and would last for months.

YEOWsers! That would be nasty Jack said.

However, obedience and being and getting use to obedience are will come in many forms. Devon stated. She felt like she was the barer of awful and nasty things, she wished that she could find something that was good in the world; at this point, she was having trouble with that.

The idea of this gets even worst she thought to herself. You know dad, the most insidious form is the dilution of freedom and liberty is world sovereignty is lost on a global scale. Our social fabric the glue that binds us to the human race is of vital importance. However, we do not even know that we have lost it we do not even know that collectively we have lost who we are. One of the most evil confessions so confessed documents ever written the “Protocols of Zion” a document used by the Zionist Elders, rulers of Zion a converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation the presumption is strong that the Protocols were issued, at the First Zionist Congress held a Basle in 1897 under the presidency of the Father of Modern Zionism, the late Theodore Hertzl. It is not a fake people just don’t understand how to view what it is saying to us, or how it is used against us for it was never intended for us to read it is a private document for the Elders of Zionism, made public quite by accident and only made public to a very few originally now it is all over the Internet which only serves to confuses its authenticity.

An aspect that the document revels is that it revels some significant aspects of how they would have that knowledge of some important aspects of the human mind that science has revelled recently to the public. A quantum physic principle that allows people to control each other by means of mind manipulation. No area of human life is missed by the plans of this evil document.

Where do think the problem begin Devon, Jack interjected.

Well Devon interjected back, You remember the story of the first Kings and the time just before that when we first sought to have a king to rule us here on earth and denied God our Lord of Heaven his ruler ship of our lives we began a spiralling down ward fall. Humans became their own saviour as well as there own enemy. Humans did not know what it meant to leave God out of the equation.

Global Issues that we face today the result of this equation. Every scientific and technological achievement, every medical and psychological advancement, every political economical, and religious move can be trace its roots back to this equation of humans wanting an earthly king. Moreover, even when they got what they wanted they were disgruntled and then God sends them his own son to correct the equation. His chosen people then crucify him. What more could be done for when Jesus Christ king of kings was crucified it was finished.

What is it then that we are dealing with today? Today we are waiting a spiritual return of the king of kings to do what to rescue us from eternal damnation, for Jesus came to settle the equation to give answer to an equation to give the right answer, not to confuse you.

Unravelling the equation so that it makes sense to one that is only a variable in a long history of mistaken answers to the equation, well first it helps to identify the equations variables and to identify their function with in the equation, to identify their (the variables) affect on the equations outcomes.

We have skirted around the idea of quantum physics and its role it plays in the biblical truth of who God is. We have mentioned the usage of this information by both the military and media quit briefly I might add. We have suggested that it is a sinister means of controlling national responses to achieve certain out comes for political advancement, but we have not yet explained that miss monomer of the political seen its self.

What is it that you are trying to get at Devon, Jack asked

I am going to relate this part of the discovery of politics to a looming crisis that this earth is about to face.

Must you Devon you have already said some very hard things to grasp.

I know, Devon said these things are very difficult to decipher, most people do not even understand there domestic and local politics never mind global. I will try to make it easy to understand so that the story can be retold as many times as possible.

I really appreciate you helping me Dad it has been great, it has helped me to get the story out in some sort of comprehensive order.

How is your boss taking this Devon, Jack asked.

Well I am not telling him the way I am telling you, he is getting the abridged addition, and he does not even know that I am a Christian so he does not know the Christian side of this.

What does he know? Asked Jack

Only what he has asked for in the reports. Devon stated

How much is that, Jack asked

Uaah! Just the business aspects of events taking place! Devon grunted out struggling to be brief.

Oh clever aren’t you. Jack snickered

I suppose so I don’t know whom my boss is loyal to. I hoping that it is the good news but I am not so sure, yet.

So what is the next part of the equation that is so important? Asked Jack encouraging Devon to continue.

Well ok! Devon pressed on thinking about were she left off.

I think I describe this in terms of where we are as a province and maybe people will get a better Idea of what I am getting at. These things really are not easy to understand for the average person.

No they are not. Jack stated.

All right then Devon said, launching into a question again, how is BC going to face the next economic phase, is it going to be a crises or a boom. What are the economists saying can you even interoperate what they are rhetorically trumpeting in the media? Do not feel bad if you don’t most people can’t either. It is a wonder to me why an economist or a politician cannot see through these things, for lack of a better term.

Ok now Devon prepared to make her speech, by answering her own question. We are entering a new faze of economic crises the worst in modern history. What you say we are in a crises. You bet we are and you don’t even know it. Virtually the entire planet is being threatened not by terrorist but by mass extinction by depopulation.

What are you talking about Devon, Jack interrupted.

We live in Beautiful British Columbia the land of plenty. We know of no such thing, not really, not in the slightest except for some minor homelessness we do not see and thing in the way of economic crises. Our poor are hidden well. What is the indention of BC’s civil society, are we seeking to have a clean environment, are we seeking to develop stainable and viable standards of living, are we seeking to keep are low unemployment rates, are we seeking to continue to create even more jobs, are we seeking privatization methods of our natural resources, are we seeking to improve our forestry, are we seeking to improve global economic integration of world markets?

These are hard questions to answer one at a time, but I am going to give you an answer that will make you come to your own answer to these questions.

If the world is not able to continue at its present economic rate, is it going to fall back to levels that are more stainable? Will it be able to stabilize global economy enough to bring the world out of its poverty situations?
Not with the methods that it is using today, Jack stated

You are right, Dad Devon said, we need to find solutions to this problem and we need to stop lolley-gagging around with stupid news about what our leaders are doing about global warming and environmental crises. Because the crises is much worst than the numbers of KATO accord’s protocols and acquisitions of buying free air from other less polluting nations. How ridiculous are we going to get. The problem does not lie in patrolling the air pollution and making concessions to the World Bank and all of its internal organizations. For some reason the UN and the US, believe that, the only useful and necessary leadership existing in the vacuum of power. That the democratic and constitutional system is the only way that we can succeed in any nation on the planet that is simple not true this system is the system that created the crises that we are facing to day.

The urgent nature of this problem, that will shock you to learn of its true nature, hides behind the development of the economic systems. I am sure many people know how our economies are based on false pretences of we wealth and we have no way of dealing with methods of changing it now.

Just the same, we need to come up with a better plan then to one that is being purposed through public security and safety measures of the RIFD chip But can we stop this Looking at the problem in another way we are no longer producing for ourselves we shipped our jobs out to cheaper labour in other countries, where their conditions of life are becoming worse. We are thinking that we are inspired by biofules that strips the land and serves only to starve us. And on top of it all we are we want to go Nuclear, this technology will essentially eliminate much of the reliance we have on other power sources, and all biofuels and will actually destroy the food supply there by the population. Our population needs a new way of thinking because the problem lies in the lies to the generation of lost children conditioned not to believe in the truth.

They have not told you about benign energy sources. I’ll tell you later about a couple that will blow you away and perhaps make you very angered.

Yea! Jack said inquisitively.

Yea! Returned Devon.

Those that would have us believe against conspiracy theories, “they’re against conspiracy theories.” This is ridiculous all humanity is part of a conspiracy they just do not know it. The only change that seems to be at grass roots level seems to be consumed by bureaucratic conspiracy all good technological progress, and character of institutions and educational programs developed by professionals are systematically striped of their usefulness when it is necessary to destroy there usefulness, meaning when they get in the way of global agendas. There is a protocol pretence that uses methods such as these. The wit of protocol No. 5 shows this method of striping the usefulness of these agencies.


Full Text: Protocols of Zion

1. What form of administrative rule can be given to communities in which corruption has penetrated everywhere, communities where riches are attained only by the clever surprise tactics of semi-swindling tricks; where looseness reigns: where morality is maintained by penal measures and harsh laws but not by voluntarily accepted principles: where the feelings towards faith and country are obligated by cosmopolitan convictions? What form of rule is to be given to these communities if not that despotism which I shall describe to you later? We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the GOYIM, and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any GOYIM who oppose us by deed or word.
2. We shall be told that such a despotism as I speak of is not consistent with the progress of these days, but I will prove to you that is is.
3. In the times when the peoples looked upon kings on their thrones as on a pure manifestation of the will of God, they submitted without a murmur to the despotic power of kings: but from the day when we insinuated into their minds the conception of their own rights they began to regard the occupants of thrones as mere ordinary mortals. The holy unction of the Lord's Anointed has fallen from the heads of kings in the eyes of the people, and when we also robbed them of their faith in God the might of power was flung upon the streets into the place of public proprietorship and was seized by us.
4. Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by regulations of life in common and all sorts of other quirks, in all which the GOYIM understand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain. Reared on analysis, observation, on delicacies of fine calculation, in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and solidarity. In this respect the Jesuits alone might have compared with us, but we have contrived to discredit them in the eyes of the unthinking mob as an overt organization, while we ourselves all the while have kept our secret organization in the shade. However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord, whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion! But to us, the Chosen People, it is very far from being a matter of indifference.
5. FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE "GOYIM" OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the reason why there is not one State which would anywhere receive support if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong - there is no evading our power. THE NATIONS CANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OUR SECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.
6. PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is - Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital.
7. Capital, if it is to co-operate untrammelled, must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade: this is already being put in execution by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world. This freedom will give political force to those engaged in industry, and that will help to oppress the people. Nowadays it is more important to disarm the peoples than to lead them into war: more important to use for our advantage the passions which have burst into flames than to quench their fire: more important to eradicate them. THE PRINCIPLE OBJECT OF OUR DIRECTORATE CONSISTS IN THIS: TO DEBILITATE THE PUBLIC MIND BY CRITICISM; TO LEAD IT AWAY FROM SERIOUS REFLECTIONS CALCULATED TO AROUSE RESISTANCE; TO DISTRACT THE FORCES OF THE MIND TOWARDS A SHAM FIGHT OF EMPTY CLOQUENCE.
8. In all ages the people of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted words for deeds, for THEY ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance. Therefore we shall establish show institutions which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress.
9. We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy of all parties, of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a VOICE IN ORATORS WHO WILL SPEAK SO MUCH THAT THEY WILL EXHAUST THE PATIENCE OF THEIR HEARERS AND PRODUCE AN ABHORRENCE OF ORATORY.
11. The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT (European Common Market?). In place of the rulers of to-day we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.

Goyim means gentile we are gentiles all of us who are not of the real 12 tribes of Jews. It is crazy not to see through these mental cases. It is tragic to see how economist and politicians have been duped. There was an announcement the other day that the UN envoy welcomes the increased aid by rich nations to world’s poorest countries, The United Nations data shows that industrialized nations continue to increase their levels of economic assistance to the most impoverished states. Wow they even said that they were concerned that only seven of the world’s wealthiest countries have met the target set as part of the Brussels Program of Action of spending of gross national income to buy air.

What are you saying Devon That the UN is making us make certain targets of clean air, that are by percentages met because Brussels Program of Action says we have to.

That is ridiculous. Jack states.

That’s right Jack it even gets worst when you tell people that they are paying for free air, that is available every were. Buying and selling our water was sad enough but buying and selling our air now this is really getting ridiculous. The Brussels Program of Action is on target for shifting the wealth from the wealthiest nations to the LDC least developed countries. All they are doing is shifting wealth around to weaken the wealthy. Air moves wherever it wants to for who can tell where the wind blows.

Is this what we are arguing about in our media environmental impacts and initiatives are only part of the global integration plan is only part of the equation to sink the global effort. Just because British Columbia is thriving now it will fall just like the rest of the nations and Giants fall farther and harder on account that their so big.

British Colombia is going to have to face up to the facts like the pine beetles in the interiour of BC that are eating most of the greenest forest on earth, which now has turned most of BC Brown, unless those beetles die and the forest burns or the forest burns and kills all those pine beetles there is not going to be any forest left. And this is a prime example of man trying to control nature for it is the fire that is need to not only kill off the beetles but to repopulate the forest. We have been over efficient in forest fighting to our own undoing. Nature has all ways had its own way of fixing problems. What do you think will happen when the forest does burn it will probably burn out of control creating a fire storm that will spread over vase resources and BC will lose most of its forestry not to mention probably life for when there is a fire storm there is no out running it.

And won’t the politicians have a hay day with this one, CO2 levels will rise and that will mean not only did we spend millions on forest fire fighting we are going to be required to spend even more on air, and then where do you suppose our wonderful economy will be.

The average Joe blow tax payer with half a wit our there ask himself why are there so many idiots so willing to sell there soles to a system of government that tells the people that it is Democratic and only displays triennial outcomes. Simply because the government is not what it appears to be, under a democratic system we are led to believe that there is equal Justus fro all. This is the core of democracy the right of each of us to have a jury of our piers, to judge your innocence or quilt.

How is this possible if we have not our liberties of freedom and sovereignty? Because some of us believe that, this is the reality of our governments who claim that they are democratic. It is true Justus appears to be so with in our legal system. It does appear to be so wit him our right to vote for the leader of our choosing. However, are we sure that by the time we get to vote that the selection has not already been assured. No you are not none of us are sure.

Political freedom is an idea, not a fact, an idea, an infection for the purpose of gaining authority an idea one must know how to apply when ever it appears necessary bait and hook the masses. This task rendered easier if the appointed has himself been infected, delirious feverous with freedom. Yielding power to another for the trumpeted of power our theory appears: a the slackened reins of government are imperiously by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist with out guidance and the new authority merely fits into place of the old already weakened by liberalism.

Freedom is an illusion to social control the people. Is it not so that we have repetitive influence for many years over all of western society through our social media and educational systems? Is it also not so that public relations and educational systems been subject to the same psychological manipulation that the military has had to endure. Yes indeed there has been deep social integration of mind-bending methods used on society for many years hence. Our generation does not think for its self simply because it has lost its ability through indoctrination of social engineering processes, done both through the media, and educational systems. Social conscience is a tool of politicians to engineer political will. Even when there is an exhalent grass roots movement that results in efficient governmental intervention into our lives, these are run by the politicians who are entrenched into the integration process of a false face a of political will under the name of democracy.

So you end up with those that see through this idiocy asking why people can not think for themselves totally agree at the sheer stupidly of the whole system.
What they do not understand is that they are not recognizing that there really is not any freedoms or sovereignty little a lone Justus for all. This is why democracy is beginning to decay from the inside out leaving us with tyrannical governmental mess and what will the people do when the figure this all out they will revolt. They will become chaotic what will the leaders do. Institute Marshall law because of the power vacuum. Whose fault is it? Our own why because we are greedy and have aloud ourselves to be over come by this beast.

The third part of the equation is about Democracy. Democracies have a healthy respect for both domestically and internationally. Of course most people want to be respect therefore they will respect others. Moreover, it is precisely this concept of democracy that leads people to believe that in general a democracy is best. However, democracy has created the need for terror or the desire for terror depending what side of democracy you adhere.

The thrust of democratic notions, what made it possible for war in Iraq and Afghanistan and all other nations were democracy forced by the powers that could. In the case of Communism its spread was do to a need to conquer for financial gain and in the case of PAN –Islamic expansion it was a need to protect their property from the expansion of communism were the federalist enforcement of the Imperialistic Oligarchy’s Federalistic Regime under the mask of Republic Democracy was seeking to spread its persuasiveness.

For a strong Kingdom to survive it needs to eliminate its enemies. However, if the kingdom has no enemies it needs to create them. If the people do not back, their king in this elimination process then the king must create the need to increase strength. Why would a king need to increase strength if the people are corporative and consensual? Would it be because it foresees its demise from within?

Ironically it would depend on the objective being sought by the kingdoms why would the kingdom be wholly controlled by an Imperialist Oligarchy Empire and in complete support of this empire and work towards its undoing. Perhaps the objective is to achieve the undoing of an arrogant people. Perhaps it is for the achievement of the very real political.

Democracy real democracy was an experiment that worked like a charm, it succeeded in all its methods, for it brought about chaos unstoppable chaos. The kings’ decree was to give all of the people exactly what they wanted. Fill their bellies so full that they became fat that just one more pea would make them pop.
Therefore, greed spread across the land.

Soon and very soon, the Empire will have what it has been planning. Complete global consensus for international as well as domestic law is consensual. The nations will completely comply by consensus.

How on earth, did such a sneaky slippery empire grow into such an executioner without you even noticing?

You know Jack this is what Daniel was saying about he ten tows how the kings would freely give over their power to the governments today who, do not work for the people they all work for the integration of the nations into a one world government as prophesied thousands of years ago.

The qualities of the worst kind and largest venomous snake in the world, the cobra, they Kill their prey, by injecting a neurotoxin through their nearly hollow fangs. The neurotoxin blocks the synaptic communication between the victim’s neurons and muscles, thus stopping movement and control.

Make no mistake about this Empire intentions it is about to stop all movement of any kind. How did this happen by methodically plotting global dominance through various means? Besides all of the secrete societies that have had a great measure of success through out the last 2000 years, traditions being passed to the next generation. And with each consecutive generation past were given to those that showed prospects of leadership and loyalty to the internal cause hardly ever did this leadership leave the grip of this Empire. In addition, all ways had the power to take and gain even more power until absolute power did corrupt.

The covert grab for power happen right under the worlds noses and barely a one noticed. Another part of this equation is the Public policy partnership network PPPN what are they are the policy builders of the UN. So how did they grab power from us, this was done through the public policy partnership network, which assumed the power to make laws simply because of its existence power to make laws and enforce them because of the consensus of the nations. You see we all allowed our nation to give up its power to govern the people, how by accepting and consenting to a democratic nation. The notion of freedoms and liberty is false.

So, what is the problem will I suggest you take a look at what these PPPN has done to ensure compliance to these laws?

What we need to understand is that these laws are going to be able to achieve across the world and how they affect us at home. If you believe that, your government has any power for the people and by the people thing again. Terrorism begins in the hearts and minds of the terrorised. You first need to believe that you are being terrorist and then you need to be protected. Protect by whom, why by who ever is your army sentinel. Ok protect us from this enemy beg the people the people have become consensual.

Oh! No! The people scream, we have a disaster on our hands millions of people are going to die the natural disaster was devastating, lives were lost, and hundreds of thousands are left with out homes. What must we do? Oh! Ok! FEMA round them all up and but them in concentration camps. What concentration camps the prebuilt ones. Oh ok then good thing wee have them.

Security and Benevolence measures go along way when you play on peoples heartstrings it blinds the nation to serve the cause freely all in the name of making a better world for tomorrow for your children. Hog wash and bolder dash we need to service the needy in times of crises because it may be ourselves in times of crises that may need the help. How? By the methods of choice, the only choices that we have are what they give us that we do this.

What about the financial crises, what financial crises you say? Our economy is strong and health. Are you kidding me you apparently do not know what is really going on? In addition, if you are a homeowner and a credit holder and owe anyone then you are in great danger, especially when the value of your fiat paper crumbles, and especially if you do not recognize the coming crises. This is yet and another part of the equation the financial situation of the world. It will not take long perhaps five days. You remember what happen to New Zealand when their whole banking system crashed the banks closed their doors and that was that. They had to completely restructure their monetary system, before anyone got anything.

These are some of the strongest political variables within the equation there are others however, that will affect you as we will see.

The religious aspect of the equation falls into a very complicated theological mess. What one needs to do is step back from all world religion and spiritual things other people have said in order to decipher for yourselves the true and sound doctrine that in reality was kept from us, and then clouded with all sorts of silly doctrines and religious nuescence of ever kind you can think of. If however you can sort through the rhetoric of designer religious notions and find God the Father then you have one part of the battle, for he will clarify all other notions of false doctrine.

Remember that it is useful for an Oligarchy to keep the people raped up in all sorts of things because it keeps them away from finding out who they are. The Oligarchic system makes nonsense apart from biblical theology of sound doctrine for its only existence becomes obsolete, because of its ultimate purpose to control all the nations of the world. Of course, the Oligarchic Empire seems to think that it is in control of the world for the sake of power and because they simple can control in a power vacuum to them it is a global game. The Oligarchic Empire does and does not know that the serpent controls it. They know because they worship this serpent privately yet they do not know because most of the cohorts and adherents are useful idiots. In addition, this is where religious systems serve to become useful idiots not knowing they very history nor knowing the one true and alive God. On top of all this, they do not know science well enough to understand its purpose concerning God.

Not only is the worlds religious system part of the global integration project it is part of what will fool even the very elect. There is a national Interfaith Alliance movement group that was created in 1994, this is an extension of what Billy Graham was warned about when he in 1978, joined the Holy See – The Vatican in agreement one national Interfaith Alliance, in part as an effort to correct the so-called image to reclaim their place in the national media for more mainstream religious perspectives. Complete and utter hogwash.

The method used to covertly gather the Christians all over the world into one larger movement. What is going to be the out come of this system of Interfaith Alliance. The head of this Interfaith Alliance is the Vatican, and the Vatican is the Harlot, I will not argue this theological point for if you had know your history and your bible you would have guessed this yourselves. There is simply too much information pointing to this fact. The Vatican is the leader of the world council of churches. Do you as a born again believer want to belong to this consortium of religious fakery. Go to your pastors and ask them to teach you the truth on this matter. Re-examine the pretence of what I am saying to you. Millions of people are being brain washed into believing that it is, a good thing that God is doing. No, he is not, not this way yes there is a worldwide awakening of spiritual things. However, consider the activities of the antichrist, which seeks to copy the Holy Spirit. Do not be fooled by this.

The part of the equation that is affecting the Christian Churches through out the world is all so the notion of democracy the evangelical notion of democracy needs dispelling. Of course, the evangelical right movement has attracted notice and sophistication through exhalant media campaigns and effective organizational techniques of the top charismatic leaders, along with its direct effect it has had on its people. So does this mean, political will and consequences of the Christian should not be built on the implications or presupposition that it is relevant of theological insight that as Christians we would be particular to any one political party, along with its policies.

This sounds like Christians picking the best creed and encouraging all other Christians because of their idiocy to vote for the same political will without ever having to know for themselves what the political policy mean to their Christian walk.

Why one earth would you want to give up your freedoms to system that you know nothing about, because if we are giving up to presuppossion of political will we will fall pry to the will of the worlds’. We primarily must remember the reason we are struggling so with our politicians is our political will. Therefore if our political will is to follow that of the worlds then we will continue to struggle. Biblically speaking we were never to have leaders such as kings to serve us. Moreover, to keep the law we were to have judges who took our political needs to God the Father and then inseminate the will of God for his people.

So in this theologically speaking the political will of that day and the historical development of political ethics, we are force to obey, cannot, possibly in any sense be fortunate enough to satisfy the political need of the church. Therefore, what is it then we Christians need to understand then are the political will of God. Is this possible of course, it is. The most political book I ever read was the Book of Revelations it is a prophecy of political out comes of present day earth. What do you think it was meant to be a book of beast and terrible events?

Why is democracy and Socialism and PAN-Islamic and Republic not expectable, because they are part of the problem. Does this mean we should bring down the pillars of these fortresses you bet we better? The problem is the only way that will be possible is to exposes them. For what they are and stop trying to fit biblical theology into today’s political theology it does not work nor will it ever the book of revelations is clear on this it tells us the kings of the world will be brought down and if you are a Christian you had better not be part of this failing system.

Having an effective bureaucracy yet another part of the equation Defence Advance Research Projects agency – Since 1958 DARPA has shown how a government agency can push frontiers of innovation by allocating grants to universities think tanks and private companies for high-risk ventures. To the limited extent that innovation can be, systematized DARPA has done it. Other nations are trying not so successful however. Bureaucracies are so important because, the realization of a Revolution in military affairs requires then technology, but organizations, doctrine, training and personnel. Bureaucratic innovating can seldom be limited to the military alone, because armed forces are a refracted broader society. Powers that lack bureaucratic structures and the possession of modern weaponry is of dubious utility. The CIA had to of supplied armies to its designer enemies they need an enemy, so as to create the military industrial complex.

The successful adaptation of technology shifts was required for changing the kind of people who are reared with in the military. You have to indoctrinate a person to kill to make them a killer. The biggest bureaucratic lie is the one right in front of you. What was the purpose, what was opinion what was conjecturing what was the out come? What were you led to believe. The most dangerous tools the bureaucracy has are “useful idiots” they are either intelligent morals sent or planet by a professional bureaucrat or they are intelligently dangerous useful enough to serve under the illusion of certain political wills. A tool the bureaucrats use so successfully is our systems fro transferring information one to another leaving the next guy with an imprint of useful information. We call this our social media. It is suppose to serve as our guidepost to the truth. The system of ours can only deliver the truth if it knows the truth.

Why have I told you about the dichotomy of the Christian political will because the Christian political will believes that it is the only sane one correct one? As you can see there is much more to this twist of the military notion of security of the people, that there is much more to the political will of the people, and most of all that there is much, much more to the media and its truth. That people just do not understand science and Gods relationship to his people.

Nor do they understand the notion of global politics and where it is taking us, simply because they are to rapped up in there own kingships of their programmed lives. The methods used by the military are the same methods used by the media and the same methods that are use with in our schools. How foolish we have been to trust the government, how foolish we have been to not learn about politics we become the fools more then the government, because we are the masters of our own undoing.

Just as “Stephen Glass” glasshouse came tumbling down, so could the church come tumbling down for we have freely given over our power to the Oligarchy system that is seeking to complete control the world. Who is this Stephen Glass, he could have been the most influential idiot for the New Republican magazine moving it in a direction that it might not have moved exposing sentiments through his tales that moved people’s political will simply because they found his stories so entertaining they the audience was moved to believe them as true. Lies can be told with a smile of endearment rather then the scale of a villains smirk. It is all politics. Through his lies of innocence, he persuades a whole nation of republicans and democrats alike. The bureaucracy of political will flourished under his lies and no one ever complained because they were never lies about real people. He was either a useful bureaucratic idiot swaying a whole nation’s opinions or he was the greatest storyteller of this generation who was the idiot the believers or the liar.

This is the stuff of bureaucracy political will even before the bureaucracy elite knew how easy it was to sway whole nations with such idiots, the political sales man was at work selling himself. Many kings of the past had performed such persuasive hypnotic believers evangelist were great at it.

However, the media was expert at it. In addition, this is how our whole world has fallen for flattering words. This snake has hypnotized all of the nations of the world, and Christians not exempted by it either who has beguiled you and if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived.

By this time, Jacks head was spinning from Devon’s rants. He had been sitting there listing this whole time. He thought that she had to come up for air eventually. At least he hoped. The afternoon was beginning to look like evening. He was thinking Devon had to be the most intent person he ever met. She was defiantly original.

So what about the rest of the political equation, Jack asked I am not a journalist he said to Devon who was just weighting for the opportunity to finish up her point about the deep deception we ordinary fold are facing. The political onion was difficult enough to understand never mind trying to understand its lies by finding the truth.

Well the political part of the equation is not finished by realizing how our national governments have use these idiots of the Local governments and state governing bodies along with their political theories but also the complete control of our systems of delivering us the information through not only the media but we were duped by our educational systems when knowledge became standardized and static.

Jack Devon abruptly said. I really have to go now.

Oh where are you off to this time. I am flying to Rome to review the commission on Global governance.

I think that by unravelling what the commission is up to we can get a clear picture of political will on a global scale.

Most people don’t understand global governance any more then they understand global governance any more then they understand Local politics – I suppose its is because of our spectacular standardize education and beautifully written rhetorical truths we call history and news. I suppose it’s all about choosing whose lies are best for you to believe.

It seems to me that the absolute astonishing piece of information we can understand is how our brains function at the quantum level. When we can under stand this process of our basic physiology perhaps we will be able to see how we as a nation and we as a citizen of the world can be buzzard food, how we can completely be useful idiots, patriotic to a political will that is not our own, but some repetitive imprinted bureaucratic bullshit.

When we come into this world, we are empty vassals. Therefore, anyone with half a notion can but any thing they want there. They’re by creating minions of worshipers believers of what ever. Decoding that mess is the job of truth and up in till this time I have found nothing else as truthful as physics even quantum physics. Physics does not lie physics is the world of God.

This means that in reality and the enlightenment of the truth. Christians political will should not ought to be one of a false sense of loyalty to the one political will that suits them best suits theology best. No, because political will that is experienced today is one of design not one from God.

I suppose your right Jack sighed. Its just hard to fathom the over all ramifications you are telling me it makes me think that my whole world view has no foundation.
Devon Just look at Jack across the desk with a smirk and said there is not any foundation with out Christ Jesus. And I can show you why Only it will have to wait I really have to go if I am going to make the plane on time.

Next Chapter: The Plane to Rome.

There was lots of chatter on the plane that day amongst complete strangers – I suppose it was such a long trip and most on the plane were probably off for their vacations
Devon was also chatting it up with the guy next to her – she was saying People are only recognizing the need for something as grand as environmental control and containment because it is shoved down their throats.

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Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun

Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun in the way we were taught More to do with Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth series. STOP PRESS !! !! ..... View New OFFICIAL Info: 4 Magnetic Poles Forming On The Sun In May 2012 PLEASE Click Here http://youtu.be/lxLcDiiFfCM Here we find an understanding of Why the Earth & our solar system do not actually orbit the Sun as taught, "Rather", We follow or better still, are dragged by the Sun in a Spiral Pattern through the universe & time. This video offers explanations how, besides spinning on its axis and rotating as if going 'Around' the Sun, the Earth is shown to 'Follow' the Sun's movement through the Milky Way galaxy, in a continuous Spiral, not a Flat elliptical plane, thus we find a 3D universe as opposed to the accepted 2D. ** Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually orbits the sun ! ** This compilation of videos runs thus: "The solar system's motion thru space by The Resonance Project / Nassim Haramein" This simple animation was created by Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project Foundation This is a video clip that every human should see. Many of us have been taught about how the solar system works by viewing a physical model that has the sun in the middle with the planets going around and around in a simple circular orbit without properly accounting for the motion of the sun (aprox. 450,000 miles per hour). Because the both sun and the galaxy are moving through space, the Earth spirals an incredible distance through space in a year's time. How far the Earth moves depends on the reference point you are using for something "stationary" or "background" even though all objects in the universe are in motion. The Earth rotates at 0-1040 mi/hr (depends on latitude) The Earth orbits the sun at aprox. 66,629 mi/hr The sun orbits the galactic centre at aprox. 447,000 mi/hr In just considering how fast the sun is moving, we know the Earth travels at least 3,918,402,000 miles in a years time! (as it also orbits around the sun) Total speed of the Earth moving through space is difficult to approximate do to the combination of motions. Using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation it is estimated the total motion of the Earth through space is aprox. 1,342,000 mi/hr Or 11,763,972,000 miles in 1 year! (which is still only 0.2% the speed of light!) The old model might make one picture being back where you started after a year of time has past, when in fact, you are over 11 BILLION miles from where you were a year ago! I hope this video helps people to visualize what the motion of the Earth in our solar system looks like. For more information on Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project, Please visit: http://www.theresonanceproject.org" --- http://www.youtube.com/user/EarthPilgrims "Nassim Haramein describing the limitations of the 2D solar system image, and how our evolution imprints space time. Excerpt from the film 'Earth Pilgrims' " --- http://www.youtube.com/user/aukruger "This animation is a video screenshot from Voyage through The Solar System version 1.20 (1989) and shows the earth's true motion in spirals. Besides spinning on its axis and rotating around the Sun, the Earth also follows the Sun's movement through the Milky Way galaxy. " Please Visit http://theresonanceproject.org/ http://www.earthpilgrims.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/aukruger http://www.YouTube.Com/MichelDezanger